Andrea Jeris

"I am a studio painter and I enjoy painting the beauty of everyday things. And I paint en Plein Air (outdoors), but I am a fair-weather painter so my time outdoors is precious to me. What a joy to connect to the earth, to be serenaded by birds, frogs, crickets, to be swept away by a river, to be uplifted by the trees, and to see the universe in the sky. With my paintings you can see what I see, stand where I stand, and maybe, just maybe, feel the wonder of what I feel.”

“If you ask the sun why it shines it would answer, ‘because it is my nature to shine.’” I paint because it is my nature to paint.

There are times when I see something that makes me go "OH!" It gets behind my eyeballs and it's like when you get a song stuck in your head that won't go away. Like when your cat or dog is hungry and wants to be fed and they sit and stare at you so you might as well feed them or you will go crazy. Well I have to paint that image. I just do. I love to paint. But really, I have to paint.

There is energy in all things in the universe. When you look at something long enough that it is looking back at you, you may see the glow of that energy. I want to put that glow into paint so I can feel it again and again.


Sharon Griffes Tarr


Richard Jordan